Sunday, October 29, 2006

oh no its happening again!

The great pumkin is done! It looks ok unstuffed. I have to either find my stuffing or go out and buy some. That might have to wait because I have been soo busy. I have pretty much been working all weekend. I have restarted a scarf with my cotton yarn (see past posts for photo) I have decided on a simple box stitch pattern and so far it is coming out pretty nice. Hopefully it will be finished during this next week. We will just have to see how it all goes.

I forgot how humid and hot it is here and carved our pumpkins early. I just new there wasn't going to be time this weekend. Well the worst has happened. I walked over to them today and noticed that Trogdor's mouth was gone. And my reaper guy wasn't looking to hot either. so I opened them up and OH MY it was a jungle. So they must be laid to rest before halloween sad to say. If I can find my stuffing then at least we will have one pumpkin out. lol

Onward to my scarf with little kitten in my lap. Lets see if she decides to attack my yarn again.....hopefully not.
So I have finished my pumpkin. It looks ok unstuffed. I have to either find my stuffing or go out and buy some. That might have to wait because I have been soo busy. I have pretty much been working all weekend. I have restarted a scarf with my cotton yarn (see past posts for photo) I have decided on a simple box stitch pattern and so far it is coming out pretty nice. Hopefully it will be finished during this next week. We will just have to see how it all goes.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

sweet as piiie

This weekend has been a long one. I have struggled with my puter. Some how over night I got two different "virues" on lappy. It took all Sunday morning and part of the afternoon but they *should* be gone now. I am still running some tests. Today, I made two loafs of pumpkin bread. I think that it is pretty good...but I am bias. I also started to make a knitted pumpkin for Halloween. not too far into it but pics if/when i get it done.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

here kitty kitty kitty

This morning started like any other Sunday. I woke up took the dog out and started the laundry. I turned on the tv and folded some clothes. Then it happened......knocking on the door. I got up and the girl next door was at the door asking me if she could go through boys car. That was just odd to hear but then she went on to explain her dog was going crazy because there was a kitty stuck under/in his car. This kitten was meowing ALL night long. heh I guess I slept through that. So i got out my work tool box and started taking apart his car. So after 30 mins we finally got the kitten out.

A name for her is still up in the air. She is black with white socks and a little bit of white on her tummy.
I will update more on her later.