Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Elvis lives in Jacksonville!

Upon my many hours working in Jacksonville I have come across Elvis. Yes Elvis is alive and living in one of Jacksonville's low income areas. He often approaches my coworkers and me to talk, invite us to dinner with his family, and over for beers after work. Yesterday, I received a very interesting offer. While collecting GPS coordinates, he approached me and stated, "I have a bed in my bedroom." The only way I could respond to him was with a dumbfounded look. I am pretty sure that my jaw was hanging open. He then added, "You can rent it for 75 dollars a week." For the remainder of the day when ever I would be working around him he would resume talking about this "room for rent" .....

Needless to say, I have not taken him up on that offer.

Monday, July 13, 2009

It could be true.....

Is your cat plotting to kill you?

Maybe this is why they are still haveing the Great Fork Rebellion....