Sunday, May 21, 2006

I do like flowers!

So I have around 8 days left in South Carolina. I say around 8 because Boy and I might move down a little bit sooner. Not so sure though. He now officially isn't working at his old job. He needs to have a few days off to get things together, say good bye to his friends and father, and to South Carolina. I think he might be excited. In the last 5 minutes he has imed me 3 times reminding me that we are moving to FL. This isn't a new thing. I am just going to take it that he is extremely excited.

Last night, instead of packing, I started making a sweater, the Posy Panel "Crew". I WAS packing when I came across a magizine I bought in 2004 and it had this cute sweater in it. I thought you know what I have a lot of this freakin maroon yarn left over. I want to try out this pattern before I go buy some nice yarn and make it for me. Then I can give someone this sweater as a present because I know how cool it is going to be. So I started it I have half the back done (I couldn't sleep last night because I got ate up by bugs the other day) so far it is looking good. Now who is going to be the poor sap that gets it. Well if it turns out good then either my sis, lat or jess. If it is crappy with one arm a foot longer then the other then I think Whore should get it. Well it WOULD fit in with the rest of her clothing.

Ok off to pack more. Then to wally world to get something for these damn bug bites on my feet!!!

1 comment:

Steph said...

hey that sweater is pretty cute!